Board of Directors


Our Board is made up of hard-working fun folks who pool their talents to provide practical support for our organization. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year-some of which have been on the board or involved for many years! Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. Interested in open board positions? Contact us!


President: Anne-Lise Mogstad, PhD

Anne-Lise was born in Oslo and grew up in Lillesand. She came to the US when she was 16 years old. Her father Rolf was born in Ålesund and her mother Astrid was born in Trondheim.


Vice-President/Social Director: Anne Engert

Anne Nilsen Engert is originally from Nøtterøy, outside of Tønsberg, south of Oslo on the Oslo Fjord. Fairly new to The House of Norway, Anne has extensive experience in event planning and is a great addition to the board. She is the owner of A Nordic Touch, a home-based floral studio. Anne is also an avid traveler.


Event Coordinator: Kyle

Kyle is ...... 

email address



Secretary: Janet Kylstad Coulon

Janet is our own amazing Norwegian Chef. Her family is from


Treasurer: Loretta Lively

Loretta is originally from Farmington, Minnesota. She attended Augsburg University in Minneapolis which maintains strong connections to Norway as well as offering a program in Norwegian Studies.


Assistant Treasurer/IT: Jon Simonsen

Jon is originally from Humboldt County, CA. His father, Helge, was born and raised in Randaberg, Norway


Membership: Matt Stivland

Matt is a 6th generation Norwegian immigrant from northern Minnesota, nine-time undefeated champion of the Lutefisk-Eating World Cup, and holder of the uncontested highest Duolingo streak among most of his friends. In his free time, Matt enjoys looking for fossils, killing houseplants, bothering his cat, and maintaining large spreadsheets and rosters for the House of Norway.


Newsletter/Volunteer/Social Media Manager: Jeanne Teveldahl Scott


Jeanne is originally from Oakdale, CA. She is a veteran of the US Army. Her far-far is from Teveldahl, Norway, her far-mor-mor is from Kluksdal. She is a past president of The House of Norway and is Chair of the Grievance Committee in HPR.


Sergeant-At-Arms: Maury Lee

Maury a retiree of the US Navy. Most of his grandparents were from the West Coast and  Central  in Norway. From Embarrass, MN (true), Maury is a past president of The House of Norway and is currently on the Executive Board of HPR.


Social Content Curator: Sebastian Sojski-Gary

Sebastian is originally from a small town called Sætre, an hour South of Oslo. He is currently working in real estate out of Carlsbad, CA.


Youth Coordinator: Karen




Valerie Herzog 

Valerie is a wonderful asset to The House of Norway. Always with a smile, she loves hosting and is VERY active! She enjoys baking for our membership and meeting people from all around the world when at the Park.


Eugenie King

Eugenie was born and raised in Nittedal, a small community outside of Oslo. She is a past president of The House of Norway and also a past president of HPR. Eugenie is currently on the executive board as 1st VP of HPR.


Delegates to the HPR:


Anne-Lise Mogstad


Maury Lee


Alternate Delegates to the HPR:


Anne Engert


Lorretta Lively


Eugenie King